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We Are Glad You're Here!

The Oromo Evangelical Church-Stockholm which is also known as Waldaa Warra Wangeelaa Oromoo Stockholm(WWWOS) is a Christian church in Stockholm. Under the name 'Oromo Evengeliska kyrkan i Stockholm', the church is also legally registered with the Swedish government.

Our church provides its members with the full range of services provided by a Christian church. These include preaching the Word of God, worshiping, praying for people, helping believers in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, to grow into Christ-likeness, reaching out to people in personal need, standing with believers in times of joy and sorrow.

It is our hope and prayer that we can help you to Know Christ, Grow together in faith, and Go serve the world.

(Waldaa Warra Wangeelaa Oromoo-Stockholm(WWWOS) waldaa kiristaanaa Afaan Oromoon tajaajila kennituu fi Stockholm keessatti argamtudha. Maqaa 'Oromo Evengeliska kyrkan i Stockholm' jedhuun waldaan kun mootummaa Siwiidin birattis seeraan galmaayee jira.

Waldaan keenya tajaajila waldaan kiristaanaa tokko kennitu hundumaa miseensota isheef ni kenniti. Isaan kunis sagalee Waaqayyoo barsiisuu, faarfannaan waaqeffachuu, namootaaf kadhachuu, amantoota guutamuu hafuura qulqulluutti akka guddatan gargaaruu, gara Kiristoosiin fakkaachuutti akka guddatan gochuu, namoota dhuunfaan rakkatan bira gahuu, yeroo gammachuu fi gaddaa amantoota waliin dhaabbachuu fi kkf dha.)

...12 Inni warra Waaqayyoof qulqullaa'an, hojii isa itti ergaman sanaaf qopheessuudhaaf, [waldaa isa] dhagna Kristos sanas cimsuudhaaf kana godhe*. 13 Kunis hamma hundumti keenya tokkummaa amantii, ilma Waaqayyoo beekuu namoota ga'an taanee, guddannees safara guutummaa Kristos bira hamma geenyutti ta'a.

Efesoon 4:12-13

Our Objectives

  • Membership in a local church is absolutely necessary for accountability, growth, and promotion in the things of God. We therefore believe in the need for a local church in Stockholm for the Oromo community and work on helping everyone to become an active member of the church.
  • Expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ and reaching all Oromo Christians living in the country and beyond.
  • Fulfilling the role of evangelism by establishing relationships with Christian churches in the country and abroad, as well as missionary organizations.
  • Preserving the Oromo language and identity among generations in accordance with the values and principles of the church and the word of God.
  • Based on God's word, we are to stand up for the poor and weak and fight for peace and justice.
  • The church encourages Christian Oromo intellectuals of its members with various skills to curl up and contribute to their associations, nation, and country in any way possible.

Our Services

  • Sunday: 11:00 - 13:00 Weekly blended sermon and worship service:
  • Our sunday service is our ideal blended style service led by our beloved priest, Rev. Duressa and our own in-house preachers and singers. Please join us for a meaningful, thematic worship service with a relevant message.

  • Monday: 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly training for deacons, preachers and everyone interested
  • The monday training is organised together with our brothers and sisters at Bollnas Oromo Church. The training takes place every week on Zoom with invited guest trainers. The training could last for several weeks with the teachings divided into sessions.

    Click here to join the program:

  • Thursday: 19:30 - 21:00 Weekly prayer and testimony time:
  • We gather via Zoom to pray about many different topics, and for the world we live in, in general! Please join us and bring your prayer requests if you have specific topics. If you have an exciting testimony of how God has answered your prayer request, please share with us on this program!

    Click here to join the prayer:

Monthly service program

Our Leaders


Bikila Etana
Bikila is our chairman, and his role is to oversee the whole activity of the church and its members. He is a Senior Technology Consultant and lives in Stockholm.


Bultum Fite
Bultum has newly been appointed as the secretary of the leadership. He has several roles in addition to his secretary role, mainly leading the prayer team. He is an educator and lives in Skane with his beloved wife.


Worknesh Ayana
Worknesh is our cashier and a member of the leadership. She serves by leading prayers, preaching, and other unspecified activities. She is a health professional and lives in Vasteras.


Chaltu Wayesa
Chaltu is a member of the leadership, assisting in different roles, serving with prayers, and leading different internal teams. She is a health professional and lives in Skane.


Duressa Mabesha
Rev. Duressa is a devoted priest and pastor, holding a master's degree in theology. As the founder and lead member of the church, he is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Duressa actively collaborates with Swedish churches and volunteers at the OEC in Stockholm.


When we are trusted on the little we have, God will bless us even more!
We do not just give money, gifts, time and food, we share the joy of the Lord. Join us by making a donation today.

Account Nu: 8327-9(693 392 423-2)

IBAN: SE08 8000 0832 7969 3392 4232

Swish number: 1234004610

Contact Us

Want to get in touch with us?

If you want to know more about our church or our service times, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We can be reached using one of the below methods:
